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Children & Youth Ministry
The Children & Youth Ministry of Grace is grounded in Youth Development principles and practices and comprised of many diverse programs that offer the services, supports, and opportunities necessary for young people to thrive. Using a faith-based approach, the ministry works to ensure that young people are supported across all sectors of the community - school, youth serving agencies, community governance, etc. The programs include: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Youth Forum, and more!

The Learning Church
Grace Baptist serves as a learning church that provides children, youth, and adults with the opportunity to increase their knowledge about Jesus Christ which leads to the development of a better relationship with Christ, by providing programs that are offered during the academic school year, weekends, and summer vacation.

Deacons Ministry
The Deacon's Ministry supports and assists the pastor as a liaison to and with the congregation to promote peace and harmony within the Church family. The deacons minister to and serve the membership and advocate the programs and various ministries of the church.

Dramatic Arts Ministry
The Dramatic Arts Ministry uses performing arts and drama to resemble and display the blessings and talents from God to impact the lives of others, such as performing Easter, Christmas, and other Christian plays.

Education Ministry
The Education Ministry works to bring together professional educators within the congregation and form collaborative partnerships with the various ministries and programs at the church which seek to educate or serve our children, youth and young adult populations through teaching and/or counseling, such as MOCCA, Vacation Bible School, Sunday Church school, etc.

Food Pantry
As our communities continues to battle with the economic deficiency due to the life changing COVID-19 pandemic, Grace Baptist Church caters to families and the broader community, by providing produce, water, and other dietary foods options! Food is freshly delivered every week. Please feel free to donate any canned goods and/or foods you have in your home for others who are in need.

Doctors Ministry
The doctors ministry seeks to enlighten, encourage, engage, and empower the faith community by enlisting their individual participation to enhance the physical and mental health of members of Grace and others throughout the community by providing presentations and knowledge on important medical information.

Men's Ministry
The Men's ministry was created to help men grow in their relationship with God and share the importance of brotherhood in an effort to develop the whole man through faith-based programs, activities and projects.

Music Ministry
The Grace Music ministry keeps alive the various musical aspects of the African-American worship experience that includes spirituals, hymns, traditional gospel, contemporary gospel, and anthems. These diverse genres are part of our rich heritage and culture and used to edify the name of Lord as we usher congregants to a meaningful worship experience through music. The ministry also encompasses five choirs where participants learn discipline and are exposed to these diverse genres of music. Collectively the choirs serve all age groups.

Women's Ministry
The Women's ministry consists of all of the women disciples of Grace. They seek to bond together, dedicated to developing spirit, body, and mind through a common faith in Jesus Christ. The Women's ministry works toward fulfilling its mission through worship activities, community outreach, sisterly fellowships, outings, and support of our church events.

Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry family, also known as, YAMFAM, works to actively involve young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 years-old in ministry, provides them with spiritual guidance, and creates a Christian-based support system through programs and activities. #YAMFAM creates a judgement free space for young adults to engage in ministry, worship and fellowship amongst like minded individuals. Also, seeks to equip young adults with the tools necessary to find where GOD is calling us to be, all while making young adults feel comfortable, supported and connected. Become part of a family of unashamed followers of CHRIST, who are striving to walk boldly and unapologetically in the word of GOD.